For the 55th time European countries are preparing for the Eurovision Song Contest to perform their big songs. 43 countries are rehearsing with excitment for the big days in Duesseldorf. Only 19 semi finalist have porformed today, further 19 semi finalist will perform on Thursday. Only 10 semi finalists of each day will go through to the GRAND FINAL on Saturday and perform to the whole of Europe. All participating countries will try and impress the voters with their songs and exciting costumes. Try and read those messages that have been hidden by artists and producers, while taking to the stage for just a few minutes.
THE BIG FIVE and therefore automatically in the final are
Italy, with Madness Of Love porformed by Raphael Gualazzi, has not participated in the Eurovision Song Contest since 1997, a jazzy return after 13 years. A Corsican sunrise for french artist Amaury Vassili with his classical Sognu, sung in the Corsican language. The spanish with their entertaining Que Me Quiten Lo Bailao - They Can't Take The Fun Away From Me sung by Lucía Pérez. The host Germany with Lena and Taken By A Stranger, will last years winner be able to defend her title? And last but not least the United Kingdom with Blue and I Can.
But there is something that's changed, a Jury Final will be held on May 13th. This means professional juries in all respective countries will vote as well. Each jury in each country then gives 12 points to the most popular entry, 10 points to the second most popular, then 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 points. The televoting results and the jury results are then merged per country and each result counts for 50%.
The host city Duesseldorf was choosen after a long selection process. Located close to the Dutch and Belgian border Duesseldorf is an important international business and financial centre and renowned with fashion and trade fairs. It's home to some 600.000 inhabitants and famous for the Rhenish carnival celebrations.
Who will go through to the final..... Who is your favourite.... And who will take home the Eurovision Song Contest 2011...?
And if you are a big fan, there is even a Ravelry group The Eurovision Song Contest with lots of information, discussions about lyrics and thoughts about much more. And now over to you, enjoy your knitting with a great pattern while watching the Eurovision. Good luck to all countries, may the best song win!

Feel your heart beat! Eurovision Song Contest Duesseldorf 2011 Pattern Section
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Ravelry Group The Eurovision Song Contest
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